Sponsor Resources
Welcome Sponsors!
The Edwards Business Students’ Society (EBSS) represents the ~2800 students of the Edwards School of Business. Operating with 8 portfolios and 12 umbrella clubs, the EBSS offers a wide range of events and initiatives that incorporate students, local businesses, and the university abroad.
Our Sponsorship Program.
The Corporate Partnership Program (CPP) provides a mutually beneficial link between your organization and the undergraduate students at Edwards. Active involvement with the EBSS will not only enable your company to gain extensive brand exposure, but also to become familiar with future recruits, partners, and customers in an engaging and educational environment.
As a registered not-for-profit under the Saskatchewan Corporate Registry, the EBSS functions with an annual operating budget of over $250,000 solely through fundraising efforts and corporate partnership. This budget is dedicated to promoting high quality events, academic programs, conferences and networking opportunities that will develop our student body as future nation builders.
The EBSS strives to practice values of leadership, integrity, progressive thinking, and social stewardship which are believed by us to be shared with the values of your company. With this alignment, your company has the opportunity to develop a long-lasting relationship with the Edwards School of Business. With the support of our partners we are able to provide Edwards students with high quality opportunities for learning, growth, and development beyond the classroom.
About Us.
Dear Current and Potential Sponsors,
“On behalf of the Edwards Business Students’ Society, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your consideration in partnering with us for the 2024/25 academic year. Your partnership provides numerous opportunities and invaluable experiences for the Edwards student body. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself, or one of my talented Corporate Relations team members regarding any inquiries about the EBSS or what a partnership with us looks like. Words cannot describe how much we truly appreciate your generosity towards our college. I look forward to building long lasting partnerships and working with you to ensure this program is tailored to your needs and objectives moving forward.”
2024/25 VICE PRESIDENT OF CORPORATE RELATIONS Contact | vpcorporaterelations@edwardsbss.com
Holden Chester
Corporate Relations Directors
Chayse Murphy
Samantha Swalm
Halle Sereda
Danielle Gibson
Emre Al-Katib
Brielle Janes
Thank you to our COMM Card Sponsors!
The COMM Card is a membership that students can purchase to unlock discounts at their favourite businesses across Saskatoon.
Atley Hetchler